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Special offers on usual rates for camping-pitches

  • 20 % red. : tentcampers that arrive as hikers or by bicycle (so without car).  When booking online, you can use the promotional code “nocar”.
  • Quick Stopp / Quick Stop : 25% red. = arrive after 19:00h and leave the day after before 09:00h


Discount Cards :


2024 / 2025:

Due to the continuously rising energy prices,  rates may be adjusted in the course of the year. We have also decided to no longer work with discount cards, Camping Key Europe, Best deal, CCI or ADAC Sparcard are no longer valid.

For guests who have stayed with us in the last 2 years, there is a regular guest discount of 10% on the persons costs (not on electricity or service fees or other items). When booking online, you can use the promotional code “fidel”.


All this offers cannot be combined with other offers or between each other.